
The day my world stood still

I still remember the day my world stood still, it was in 2003 when a very close friend of mine passed away from Cancer. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in high school and we were in our summer break, he had gone to Ecuador to visit his family, when a mutual friend sent me an AIM (remember when AOL instant message was cool?) and he told me that Edgar was being transported to New York because while in Ecuador they had found a tumor the size of a tangerine in his brain. My immediate reaction was denial, I was so upset with my friend I told him that it was not funny and he shouldn’t play that way.

My biggest regret during this time was never going to his house to visit him. He had a full ride scholarship to a university to play soccer, he was really good, matter of fact he was amazing. He never made it, 6 months after being diagnosed he passed away. I was in school when I found out, that’s when my world stood still. I took the bus home everyday, that day the ride home felt so long, I saw everything around me move but yet my world was still. I couldn’t believe it, my friend was gone.

To this day I cry every time I think of him, there are days I wake up missing him, wishing he was still alive so I could call him up to get together and discuss life over coffee. I am crying now as I write this post, I wonder if the wound will ever heal? Will things ever get better? Will I ever stop missing him?

His brother is the same age as me, he was in my home room in high school and I remember I couldn’t look at him for the longest time after his brother passed away, he reminded me so much of him. Jessi is such a great person, one I admire and wish I talked to more often. He started a non-profit in honor of his brother Edgar Sanchez Foundation:

About the organization:

Founded in 2009, The Edgar Sanchez Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that is hoping to help battle the fight against cancer. Our organization was developed in the memory of Edgar Sanchez, an enthusiastic young man whose life was cut short due to a brain tumor in 2003.

Founders, Jessi Sanchez and Othon Gomez, have dedicated their spare time to create an organization where everyone can help make a difference. Jessi is the late brother of Edgar and Othon was a close friend. In order to create a successful organization, it was their idea to create fundraising events in which the participants would be able to enjoy themselves as well as contribute to a great cause. What better way to raise funds than through an annual soccer tournament; the sport of choice for Edgar Sanchez.

My only advice is love life, every second of it, even if its hard, even when its painful and even when you don’t understand why things happen, love every second of it because you will never again get the chance to live it. You have heard we only get one life to live, some get a longer life than others but we all get one.


Leap Day

We are so lucky we get one extra day this year, so maybe you screwed something up at the beginning of the year, well today could be the day you fix it. Let’s not think of February 29th as just another day in our calendar, let’s think of it as a gift! We got an extra day to do whatever your heart desires.

Do something out of your comfort zone, try a new food, do a RAOK, smile at a stranger (I do this all the time), buy someone coffee or their favorite drink, I don’t know do something!!! Today is a day you didn’t have last year so take advantage of it!


This is my little guy, I painted him with nail polish, long story let’s just say he was my faithful neurobiology studying partner!


Cuba Libre

Seeing the pictures below remind me of a book I read a little while back, “Waiting for Snow in Havana”

Stories found in this book are shared by thousands of Cubans, my dad included. The author did such a wonderful job at narrating his story/struggles. My dad doesn’t talk about the Cuba before Castro, actually he doesn’t really talk much about Cuba now. But there are days when he is willing to open up the door to his past and he’ll tell me stories, like the ones found in this book. The Cuban people have one thing in common, it doesn’t matter where in the world they are now they are still waiting for snow to fall in Havana and when it does I would love to be there.

I have never been to Cuba, but once I am married the hub and I will be planning trip. I want to see the way Cuba looks now.

Cuba Libre, it’s not just a drink, its the cry of an entire people.


I Am Second

Today I introduce (if you were not familiar with it already) I Am Second. My favorite video is this one by Anne Rice:

Anne Rice – I Am Second (click to watch the video).

I love this video because she is so raw and not ashamed to share her struggle and is passionate about everything she is saying. I have definitely felt the same way some a lot of times, I been to a place where I have lost faith and I have walked away, not from God but from religion.

“I knew that as long as I denied Him, I wouldn’t know rest or peace. You must know that you can’t save yourself through art or music. You can’t do it through travel or wealth. Your attempts to achieve salvation alone ultimately amounts to nothing.”

It is okay to question and it is okay to feel out of touch sometimes. Like I tell people, it is okay to be mad with God as long as you are mad with Him and not at Him. We all struggle and to say we don’t its a lie.