

are beautiful. You are perfect. No you were not born with the wrong hair or eye color, wrong height, body shape or skin color. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You were made perfect, there’s no hair out-of-place, your toes are shaped like that for a reason, your skin is light/dark/medium color because you wouldn’t look any more beautiful with any other skin color.

We all have a lot things we would like to change but the truth of the matter is that we cannot. Sure you can color your hair (I have been a blonde, red-head and a brunette), you can tan to be darker (I have never faked-baked but when summer comes I will lay out until I am cooked with a lot of sunscreen of course, safety first!), you can wear heels to feel taller (I unfortunately have to do this because the hubster likes heels). There are so many things we can do to “enhance” ourselves but at the end of the day, we are still us.

So my advice is love yourself, no matter how you feel when you look in a mirror. Remember people see you the way you see yourself, so if you walk out the house feeling like a billion bucks people will see the confidence and they will admire it and respect you for it.


Lyric Opera House

It was my first time at Lyric House Opera, I have been to the Chicago Orchestra Hall but never to the Opera house, I was pretty excited to see Aida. Here are some pictures I took, sorry the quality of the photos are not great but I didn’t take my camera (I forgot it at home) so all of these were taken with my iPhone (my battery was at 20%)


20120308-195356.jpgThe first screen

Waiting for Act 1 to begin, we were pretty excited. All the screens used for this play were hand painted, the lighting was pretty bad so I couldn’t take any pictures but all the screens were beautiful!

20120308-195522.jpgOur friend Mr. Kenneth Nichols, was part of the play and was kind enough to give us a tour of  backstage. This is him still with make-up from the last scene, he is part of the choir.

Backstage crew taking everything down to set up for “Show Boat”

Show boat costumes, we hope to go back to watch this show, Kenneth said it’s going to be a good one. In all honestly they are all good and a lot of work goes into every show. To every person that makes these shows happen, Bravo!


Backstage crew taking everything down to set up for Show Boat

Kony 2012: Invisible Children

First click on image to watch the videoIf you want to be involved in Cover the Night, visit for resources or purchase the kit here.To donate follow this link.More than anything, watch this film and share it.Thank you for joining the worldwide demand for justice.

After you watch the video this is what you do: sign the pledge, get the kit and be part of this amazing movement.

April 20th 2012 might be the day before my wedding but I will be out there putting posters up and making Kony famous. This man needs to be stopped, this war needs to come to an end. No child deserves what this man is doing to them.

  • If you want to be involved in Cover the Night, visit for resources or purchase the kit here.

It only takes ONE to make a difference, I’m in, are you?

Happy 175th Birthday Chicago!!!

Chicago is second to none! When it comes to style, people, culture, and WEATHER Chicago is #1, some may choose to call it second city(you are forewarn don’t do it, EVER unless you are ready to argue). To Chicagoans there’s no other city as beautiful (even on its bipolar days and high cost of living) as Chicago.

The Chicago History Museum celebrates Chicago’s 175th Birthday!!! So if you are from Chicago head over to the museum it is free admission to all Illinois residents, you will received a piece of cake while supplies last!

2012 Chicago's 175th birthday!